- Sept. 29, 1998: 7th Annual Tall Tales and True meeting, a potpourri of members
best (or worst) trips of the summer
- Oct. 27, 1998: Gary Luhm on the island of the Very Big Bears: Kodiak.
- Nov. 24, 1998: Famed kayak photographer Joel Rogers will introduce his latest book,
about his views and impressions of the Cascadia Marine Trail.
- Dec., 1998: gone skiing!
- Jan. 26, 1999: Brave the wild currents and wildlife of Icy Straight and the Inian
Islands (Alaska) with Randy Brook.
- Feb. 23, 1999: Byron Ricks and Maren Van Nostrand introducing a new book,
"Homelands: Kayaking the Inside Passage". They spent five months paddling from
Glacier Bay to Nisqually Delta. This gave them time to spend exploring the byways and
visit small villages that most Inside Passage paddlers pass in their haste to complete the
journey. The story is about life on the coast as much as it is about paddling. Possible
surprise guests: The mysterious Long-Bearded Ones. (Hint - the boats were Mariners.)
- March 30, 1999: Return with SSKC to the thrilling days of yesteryear. The Lone
Goldrusher paddles again! Watch Pat O'Connor attempt a centennial reenactment of the 1898
Klondike gold rush. First, try hiking the Chilkoot Trail with a 14' Prion on your back.
Then cross many lakes and portages. Finally, paddle down the Yukon River to the Bering
Sea. Don't miss this adventure!
- Apr. 27, 1999: Steve Hodge and Randy Brook have finally done it. They've revised SSKC's
definitive treatise on trip planning. Join them (and their surprise guests) when they
launch the second edition of the SSKC Long Trip Planning Manual. And, as an added bonus
only available from SSKC, it's Show & Tell night. Bring your newest toys to show off.
This should be great fun and maybe even informative. Don't miss it!
- May 25, 1999: Double feature: "BJ" Cummings, the Puget Soundkeeper, will
update us on kayak-based activities to protect Puget Sound, including slides and some
creepy samples; Randy Brook will divert rainy thoughts from Seattle to the South Pacific,
with slides of sunny kayaking and kava drinking in Fiji.
- Jun. 29, 1999: Potluck and Pizza Party by the water
- July - Aug., 1999: gone paddling!
- Sept. 28, 1999: Annual Tall Tales and True meeting, a potpourri of members best
(or worst) trips of the summer