2001-2002 Meeting Schedule
- Sept. 25, 2001: Tenth Annual "Tall Tales and
True" meeting, a potpourri of members' best (or worst) trips of
the summer
- Oct. 30, 2001: "The Well Dressed Paddler" with
Karl Kohagen
- Nov. 27, 2001: "Circumnavigation of
Newfoundland" with Ken Campbell
- Dec., 2001: gone skiing!
- Jan. 29, 2002: Katie Robinson of "People
for Puget Sound" talks about their "Fish" project.
- Feb. 26, 2002: "Inflatable Kayaking Down
the Yukon" - Noel and Cindy Gilbrough show us how out
outrageous kayaking can be with their marvelous slide show on their
trip in inflatables down the Yukon River.
- Mar. 26, 2002: "Two Weeks Kayak Camping
in Prince William Sound" - In June 2000, a group of seven,
including Club members Jim and Vicki King and Annette Brigham,
embarked on a two-week camping trip in southwestern Prince William
Sound. The show features the beautiful scenery of the area,
including a trip to a tidewater glacier, along with information
about the logistics of planning and carrying out the trip.
- Apr. 30, 2002: "From
Nuclear Paddling to Paddling in Place on the Columbia" - Joel
Rogers first and best book on sea kayaking, "The Hidden Coast,
Coastal Explorations from Alaska to Mexico", has been
republished with a new chapter on the Columbia River titled
"Paddle to the Sea". Using slides and selected excerpts,
Joel takes you down the Columbia beginning with the Hanford Reach --
not just with a sea kayak but with images from work with the Nature
Conservancy on the never-been-botanized shrub steppe and a look at
the really creepy sights within the Department of Energy nuclear
reservation. Then follow him as he totally ignores the cultural
possibilities of the Tri Cities, squeezes through the Umatilla Gap
and confronts the dreaded McNary pool. Stage Two begins with
Portland and the surprisingly delightful (remember summer?) paddle
to the Columbia Bar where one can learn a lesson of relative speeds
of sea kayaks, ebb tides and big rivers. Copies of the new
"Hidden Coast" (with a shameless forward by Tim Cahill)
will be on hand for Joel to sign.
- May 28, 2002: " New Perspective on the
Hanford Reach"
David Rice, of the Corps of Engineers, worked on the Hanford Reach
from 1967 to 1986. He did his PhD in archeology in the Hanford
Reach. His talk is about the cultural and natural resources of the
Reach and the Columbia River. He has lots of pictures and enthusiasm
for the area and will show us a side we've never seen before. Those
who have paddled the reach will find a deeper appreciation for what
is there. Those who haven't may be inspired to go.
- June 25, 2002: Potluck and Pizza Party by the
- July - Aug., 2002: gone paddling!
- Sept. 24, 2002: Eleventh Annual "Tall Tales and
True" meeting, a potpourri of members' best (or worst) trips of
the summer
Previous Years' Programs
2000 -
1999 - 2000
1998 - 1999
1997 - 1998