Meetings are held the last Tuesday of the
month, 7:00 p.m. at the Seattle R.E.I.
flagship store.
2005-2006 Meeting Schedule
If you have any ideas
for programs please contact Judy Blake or Linda Roubik
27,2005 - Welcome Back. Join us for our Tall Tales and True
Stories about our trips this summer.
Oct 25,
2005 - Faulene
Main will narrate her group�s fun filled, exciting trip down the
class 4 and 5 rapids of the Owyhee River in southeastern Oregon � by
rafts and inflatable kayaks, on a 5-day guided trip. Birdlife,
beautiful canyon hikes, and Indian petroglyphs
29, 2005 - The red-rock canyons of the lower Green River in
Utah are magnificent, wild and deep, yet the river winds its way
through them in smooth and unruffled style, providing a superb setting
for flat-water kayaking. Led by Pete Weiner, nine Seattle-area
kayakers -- most of them SSKC members - paddled nearly 100 miles of
the Green to its confluence with the Colorado,
Dec 27,
2005 - HAPPY
31, 2006 - join us as Curt Mobley presents the saga
of Greenland -- a group sea kayak adventure among countless icebergs
and glaciers and stunning vistas, but in a place with almost no other
human beings, and not a single tree.
Feb 28, 2006- The
jewel-like islands of the Broken Group, in Barkley Sound on Vancouver
Island's west coast, seem made for kayakers; which is probably why
they're so popular. Besides their beauty, the islands offer
varied paddling conditions -- protected waters on the inside, more
lively ones on the ocean-exposed outside - plus many other
attractions. Faulene Main, who has plied these waters more than
once, will share stories and pictures from her latest trip.
Faulene and six other Seattle-area paddlers joined a trip led by Babs
Kunkle, for a week in the islands.
Mar 28, 2006 - A sea-kayak
trip to Gwaii
Haanas is high on every paddler's list of trips-of-a-lifetime.
Located in the Queen Charlotte Islands, this Canadian National Park
Reserve and Haida Heritage Site contains the UNESCO World Heritage
Site of Sgang Gwaay (Anthony Island) with its stunning totem poles, as
well as spectacular scenery, wildlife, and hot springs.
-- Most paddlers rely on tour operators to provide itinerary, boats,
and food. However, paddling on your own can be more satisfying and
affordable. Best of all, it lets you stay longer!
-- In the summer of 2005, four paddlers from the Seattle area made the
pilgrimage on their own: Marlla Mhoon, Bill Blair, Jon Shemerdiak, and
Randy Stephenson. They�ll share their photographs and video,
logistical arrangements, cost information, charts, gear lists, menus
and cooking tips that allowed them to enjoy sixteen days on and in the
waters of Gwaii Haanas.
-- Come with paper, pencil, and questions. There�s still time to
make your own reservations for this summer!
Apr 25,
adventurers � Northwest kayakers who paddled the Southwest coast of
Costa Rica last year, Rob Gibbert, Scott Hagerty
and Brian Schulz � will bring you scenes and tales of their 100-mile
expedition at this month�s SSKC meeting.
May 30, 2006 - George
Gronseth, one of our region�s most respected kayaking instructors
and an authority on paddling safety, will speak at SSKC�s May 30th
meeting, 7 p.m. at Seattle REI.
27, 2006 - OUR ANNUAL PICNIC.....the Social
Event of the season is on Tuesday, June 27.
We gather between 5:00 and 6:00 P.M. and the pizza arrives at
6:30 P.M. (Hint: don�t
be too late or it will be all gone).
Come to Magnuson Park on Lake Washington and look for shelter
#1. Some of us will be
coming early to hold the table.
Jul-Aug, 2006 - Gone Paddling!!!! See you
in September.
Previous Years' Programs
2004 -
2003 - 2004
2001 - 2002
2000 - 2001
1999 - 2000
1998 - 1999
1997 - 1998 |